领先的慢病管理生态 The leading ecosystem of chronic disease management

打造医、患、药、保等一体化慢病管理及服务平台 Building a chronic disease management and service platform integrating hospital, patient, pharmacies and insurance

智云健康慢病管理系统驰援火神山医院 Cloudr Health Chronic Disease Management System assisted Huoshenshan Hospital

携手新华社半月谈,共同举办“后疫情时代‘互联网+医疗健康’创新发展论坛” Join hands with the Xinhua News Agency-China Comment to jointly hold the "Internet + Medical and Health Innovation Development Forum in the Post-epidemic Era"

爆发式成长 Explosive Growth

合作医院近1000家,业务收入实现300%的增长 Close to 1,000 partner hospitals; 300% growth in revenues Team expanded with many talents from leaders in the medical and internet industries, such as Johnson & Johnson, Kanghong Pharmaceutical, and Alibaba, among others


医院为先,进军医院SaaS系统 Hospital first strategy
公司进行战略转型,启动医院SaaS业务,发力服务医院与医生启动医院SaaS业务 Pivot to a SaaS-based business model, hoping to serve hospitals and doctors more systematically
公司创立 Founding

Hangzhou Kangsheng Health Management and Consulting Co., Ltd. founded.

Our mission: Leverage internet technologies to build stronger trust between doctors and patients, make healthcare more efficient and to improve the allocation of medical resources

坚持自我造血,获得市场认可 Continuing innovation and winning recognition

拓展慢病生态链,全面提升技术与服务品质 Expanding the eco-chain of chronic diseases management while upgrading technologies and improving service quality

继医院SaaS后,智云新开发药店SaaS系统与大数据平台 Developing our SaaS system for pharmacies and our database

智云健康 ClouDr

智云银川互联网医院成立,品牌全面升级为“智云健康” Branding upgraded to ClouDr; Yinchuan e-Clinic created.

服务范围由糖尿病转为整个慢病领域,与近500家医院达成合作 Our scope expanding from diabetes to all chronic diseases; partnering with nearly 500 hospitals

核心用户超过500万人 Core users exceeded 5 million

掌上糖医 APP for Diabetics
公司旗下第一款APP“掌上糖医”问世,凭借有效与易用特性成为广受认可的在线医疗平台之一;11月,服务糖尿病患者突破100万 Our first APP for diabetics launched, winning acclaim for its effectiveness and user-friendliness; by November, over 1 million diabetics were using the APP
发展历程 Our Journey