打造医、患、药、保等一体化慢病管理及服务平台 Building a chronic disease management and service platform integrating hospital, patient, pharmacies and insurance
智云健康慢病管理系统驰援火神山医院 Cloudr Health Chronic Disease Management System assisted Huoshenshan Hospital
携手新华社半月谈,共同举办“后疫情时代‘互联网+医疗健康’创新发展论坛” Join hands with the Xinhua News Agency-China Comment to jointly hold the "Internet + Medical and Health Innovation Development Forum in the Post-epidemic Era"
合作医院近1000家,业务收入实现300%的增长 Close to 1,000 partner hospitals; 300% growth in revenues Team expanded with many talents from leaders in the medical and internet industries, such as Johnson & Johnson, Kanghong Pharmaceutical, and Alibaba, among others
Hangzhou Kangsheng Health Management and Consulting Co., Ltd. founded.
Our mission: Leverage internet technologies to build stronger trust between doctors and patients, make healthcare more efficient and to improve the allocation of medical resources
拓展慢病生态链,全面提升技术与服务品质 Expanding the eco-chain of chronic diseases management while upgrading technologies and improving service quality
继医院SaaS后,智云新开发药店SaaS系统与大数据平台 Developing our SaaS system for pharmacies and our database
智云银川互联网医院成立,品牌全面升级为“智云健康” Branding upgraded to ClouDr; Yinchuan e-Clinic created.
服务范围由糖尿病转为整个慢病领域,与近500家医院达成合作 Our scope expanding from diabetes to all chronic diseases; partnering with nearly 500 hospitals
核心用户超过500万人 Core users exceeded 5 million